Churches that help with funeral expenses are crucial help for normal people. The loss of a loved one is always difficult. In the midst of grief, the financial burden of funeral costs can feel overwhelming for many families.
According to the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA), the average cost of a funeral with viewing and burial in the United States is now over $7,400.
For low-income households already struggling to make ends meet, these expenses related to a final farewell can seem impossible to bear. However, there are churches and religious organizations that provide financial assistance to families in need when it comes to funeral costs.
Understanding how churches can help offset funeral bills for those facing financial hardship provides comfort and hope during an otherwise difficult time.
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Overview of Funeral Expenses
To appreciate how churches can alleviate the monetary burdens associated with loss, it is helpful to first understand the key expenses that comprise funeral costs.
- Funeral home services for planning, paperwork, coordinating, etc.
- Transportation costs for transferring the deceased
- Embalming and body preparation
- Caskets, urns, or other vessels
- Burial plot fees
- Grave opening/closing
- Funeral ceremony costs like flowers, music, etc.
- Printed programs and booklets
- Death certificates
- Grave markers and headstones
Depending on various factors, funeral costs for traditional burials often range from $7,000 – $12,000 in the United States. Cremations can be less, averaging $2,000 – $4,000.
With limited financial means, paying for a dignified funeral and burial is simply out of reach for many families. This is where churches can step in to help.
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How Churches Assist with Funeral Costs
Churches provide various forms of support when it comes to funerals, both emotional and financial. Here are some of the key ways churches help with funeral expenses:
Direct Financial Assistance
Many churches have benevolence funds or other monies set aside specifically to help members of their congregation or community cover funeral costs in times of need. This financial assistance can range from several hundred dollars to or completely covering the entire funeral expenses.
Reduced or Free Funeral Services
Churches often make their facilities and services available for funerals at little to no cost, significantly reducing venue rental and personnel fees. This is especially true for families facing financial hardships.
Counseling & Spiritual Support
While not monetary, the counseling, spiritual guidance, and emotional support from church leaders and the community provide invaluable comfort during bereavement.
Assistance with Planning & Logistics
Church staff experienced in funeral planning can help guide families through all the decisions and paperwork, easing the burden, especially for those unfamiliar with the process.
List of Churches That Help With Funeral Expenses
Losing a loved one can be emotionally and financially difficult. In times of hardship, churches often step in to support families in practical ways.
Many Churches that help with funeral expenses through grants, discounted services, fundraising efforts, and more.

1. United Methodist Church
A key component of the Funeral and Resurrection Services, and the Service of Committal, is the proclamation of the Christian hope in the resurrection of the dead, and a pledge of that hope in Jesus Christ’s resurrection.
In addition to acknowledging death, supporting family and friends in their grieving, remembering the deceased, United Methodists pledge to continue to offer strength and comfort to all in mourning.
2. Baptist Church
Families can arrange for a Baptist funeral by contacting their local minister. If the minister knows of a local funeral director with experience in Baptist funeral traditions, he or she may be able to recommend him or her.
Pastors can assist in planning and identifying an appropriate funeral home for the service. It is best to contact the pastor before making any arrangements so that he may visit and pray with the family at their residence.
3. Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
A Life Library for death is offered by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS), which can assist in funeral planning. Making funeral arrangements in advance can simplify the process and allow the family to hear about God’s love, according to the LCMS.
Funeral services offered by Lutherans usually include:
- A worship service
- Gospels
- The Lord’s Prayers
- Readings from the Old and New Testaments
- Apostle’s Creed
- Hymns
4. Presbyterian Church (USA)
Funeral services can use the Presbyterian Church (USA)’s Comforting the Bereaved Booklet. Scripture readings, Psalms, and prayers are included in the booklet. Despite the absence of a pastor, chaplain, or other church representative, participants can be connected via video or phone. Anyone can serve as leader.
5. Roman Catholic Church
The bodies of the dead will be resurrected to enter the Kingdom of Heaven when Christ returns at the end of time, according to Catholic beliefs.
The Catholic church accepts cremation for this reason, but they prefer that the ashes not be scattered. Rather than burying or storing ashes in a mausoleum, cremated remains should be placed in a cremation urn. Aside from that, autopsies and organ donation are considered acts of charity and are therefore accepted.
6. Episcopal Church
Christians who are thoughtful acknowledge and prepare for death as a part of living. During one’s healthy years, the Christian is best able to prepare for his or her own death.
When family members and friends plan ahead, they can deal with their grief more easily at the time of death, as well as lighten the burden of countless details that must be handled.
A funeral service is a communal act of worship, rather than a private one. During this time, we celebrate, commemorate and give thanks for the lives of the departed. It is appropriate to hold a funeral in a church during a Holy Eucharist service.
7. Assemblies of God
During the revival movement of 1914, mainstream churches separated themselves from the Assemblies of God, whose members claimed to speak in tongues and be healed by God.
There has always been an association between this phenomenon and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Pentecostals were the name given to Revivalists. Members of the Assemblies of God have increased their membership through enthusiastic proselytizing.
In Assemblies of God funerals, a pastor conducts the service and a musician leads the songs. The casket is usually open, but the body is not expected to be seen by guests. Attending the prayers or songs is optional for guests, but guests are expected to rise and sit with the congregation. Attendance at the graveside is also a personal choice.
8. Church of the Nazarene
Financial assistance for funeral expenses is available through the Church of the Nazarene.
Nazarenes are Christians who originated in North America in the 19th century. There is a list of resources provided by the Nazarene Foundation to assist with wills and bequests.
9. Lay Them to Rest Program – Diocese of Madison
This free interment program offers cremated bodies a proper burial in Madison, Wisconsin as part of the Lay Them to Rest program. There are similar programs in Detroit, Milwaukee, Seattle, Denver, Lincoln, and other dioceses.
10. Calvary Church
Funeral planning services are available at Calvary Church. If you would like to start the planning process for a funeral, you can contact Calvary Funeral Home at (616) 956-9377 ext. 3623.
11. The Salvation Army
Assisting families with limited resources to provide a dignified farewell is one of the primary missions of the Salvation Army burial assistance program. There are several factors that influence the amount of burial assistance provided by the Salvation Army.
Who is Eligible for Funeral Assistance from Churches?
Since eligibility criteria depends on each church’s policies, it varies greatly. However, some common factors considered are:
- Church membership – Assistance prioritized for church members first.
- Local residency – Preference given to families residing in the church’s area.
- Income requirements – Proof of financial need often required.
- Resources available – Church assistance depends on funds being available.
- Personal situation – Special consideration if deceased was a minor child or death was unexpected.
- Alignment of beliefs – Some churches give preference to those sharing their faith.
- Required documents – Churches may require death certificates, income verification, funeral cost estimates before approving assistance.
How to Apply for Funeral Assistance from Churches
If you are facing financial constraints with upcoming funeral costs, here is the suggested process for seeking assistance from churches:
1. Identify churches in your area: Focus on churches you or your loved one had ties to through membership, participation, or attendance.
2. Contact the church office/leaders: Explain your situation – the loss experienced and financial challenges with funeral expenses.
3. Gather required documents: Have important documents ready like death certificates, funeral expense estimates, income information, and funeral home details.
4. Fill out applications: Complete any specific application forms for requesting funeral assistance from the church.
5. Discuss eligibility requirements: Speak with church representatives to determine if you meet eligibility criteria for assistance based on income, residency, or church membership requirements.
6. Inquire about application status: Check regularly with the church on the status of your application and provide any other requested information promptly.
FEMA Assistance for Funeral Expenses
There are ten counties designated for FEMA assistance: Cannon, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Lewis, Macon, McNairy, Rutherford, Tipton, and Wayne. Funeral assistance may still be available if the death occurred within the disaster area, regardless of where you live.
FEMA must be contacted first to request funeral assistance. FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362,, FEMA’s mobile app, or can be used to apply for disaster assistance.
When you apply for FEMA, include your number for any relay services you use, such as video relay service (VRS), captioned telephone service, etc. Several languages are spoken by helpline operators and lines are open from 6 a.m. to midnight Central Daylight Time daily.
Losing a close family member or friend is devastating. The additional burden of prohibitively expensive funeral costs can seem impossible to bear. Churches that help with funeral expenses provide the vital financial assistance and emotional support. Their assistance programs, guidance, and community can empower you.
The amount of financial assistance churches offer varies greatly, ranging from several hundred dollars to occasionally covering the full funeral expenses. The support depends on the church, available funds, and circumstances.
Common documents required are death certificates, income verification, funeral expense estimates, proof of residence, and any other paperwork requested by the specific church.
Civic groups, memorial societies, nonprofit charities, government programs, crowdfunding campaigns, and sometimes local funeral homes provide funeral assistance.
Along with church assistance, you can create crowdfunding campaigns, request donations from community groups, apply for government funeral assistance programs, or negotiate discounted services from funeral homes.
Some churches provide assistance to anyone in need, even non-members. Otherwise, secular nonprofits or government programs may be able to help those with no church ties.